1410 Media Group

Bringing Quality, Excellence, and Inspiration to story

Awards and Recognition - To God Be the Glory

The Last Will & Testament of Jesse James
BEST Short film script  - NOMINEE
Media Content 2023 Film Festival and Media Summit
Community Recognition
BEST feature screenplay - finalist

We give praise to God for the nominations and winner announced during the Content 2020 Film Festival and Media Summit.  To have five of our six entries make it to the finals is a tremendous blessing.  To have Lela's Place selected as Best TV Pilot script was a true blessing from the Lord!   Thank you to all that have worked so very hard these last few years to help 1410 Media Group improve its offerings and level of excellence.  To God be the Glory! And prayerfully, by His grace, each one of these entries will find its way to production!

Riley's Lesson
BEST Dramatic feature screenplay - finalist & Winner!
The Day
BEST TELEVISION PILOT - Nominee and Winner!


Strangers - Pt. 1